
AI Integration and its Effects On our Ability to Learn

Matthew Warner

Fourth Eye Digital Arts

As technology grows, it becomes more and more integrated into more aspects of our daily lives. Artificial intelligence systems make life easier, and help manage the way we complete tasks, communicate and learn. Taking the positive elements into account is important, but understanding a simple fact that artificial intelligence has made it difficult for humans to learn on their own, and has drastically changed our fundamental view of the world is important to understand.

AI or artificial intelligence has been derived from a system of processing units known as the CPU, or Central Processing Units. This would be considered the first stage in the development of computers, their interaction with us and each other. As time goes on, the CPU develops more and more complicated systems that act upon each other accordingly. Working in tandem, they can create exponential values that generate more information than was previously possible, and continue to grow and expand. 


The CPU, or Central Processing Unit is the most important functioning component that is used to control computers, personal devices and other operating systems. The CPU is also responsible for learning, understanding, and making changes that are directly related to how they are being affected. Based on mathematics, it uses the elements that it has at its disposal to create systems and networks that can be functional, developed and built upon. It also has the ability to understand what it's doing, or it would not be able to do it. But by understanding the algorithms, functionally aspects and other key components of how various computer systems work, the central processing unit, or CPU is able to mimic, mirror and predict what is transpiring between its users based on the amount of data it has been either with, or has recovered throughout its experience with the user. This process is now known as AI, or Artificial Intelligence. 

Our Ability to Learn

Our ability to learn has changed over the years, and the integration of more complicated Artificial Intelligence Systems, or AI have made it that much more difficult. Instead of relying on ourselves, we are relying on complicated computer networks and software to provide us with things that we used to learn on our own. 


Redundancy is one of the crucial elements attached to artificial intelligent networks because they are based on algorithms that are designed to repeat themselves.

Training Algorithms 

Built-in trading algorithms that help support and form artificial intelligence networks and systems also learn and create algorithms on their own. This simplified method of advanced learning makes life a lot quicker and task completion much more straightforward, but has removed our ability to figure out how to make our workload easier on our own. It also isolates data that may or may not pertain to the subject at hand, and forces the audience to adhere to its own version of reality.

Data Collection

Saving your information, going through your old files and keeping organized is something that needs to be done on a regular basis. In some cases, you may not practice this on your own, but your system or device will do this for you. In turn, it also saves some of your data, and will reflect information that you have already produced on its own. This will ultimately lead to a dilution in the amount of original data that's available, and the gestation of more and more similar images, products and ideas.

Making Predictions 

Artificial intelligent networks make predictions based on your past actions, other users and the information that it has received from its standard processes. These predictions may help or hinder the user because it also limits the amount of information that is being presented to them.

Feedback and Improvement 

Feedback and Improvement on its operating style, available resources and energy that is used to complete tasks is part of how artificial intelligence networks function. The feedback and Improvement module hinders individual learning because it makes all of the changes and upgrades on its own without us learning how to do it ourselves.

Now as the artificial intelligent networks become used on a more frequent basis, the tasks of learning on our own are now being given to machines and different computer systems instead. One example would be using different translation tools to communicate with people who speak other languages. This is very convenient, especially if you're traveling, but without even looting the rudimentary base of the language yourself, you are now depriving yourself of learning something that may have helped you in the future.

Effect on Society 

There are many different coherent effects that the central processing unit, CPU artificial intelligent Networks and how they have altered and affected society. The first way is ease of access, and the completion of large-scale mathematical calculations that could not be done other ways. This creates an effect that allows the user to complete tasks that it would not be able to complete on its own, and then compounds against other attributes that the CPU can generate in accordance to their own personal traits. 

AI Integration

Artificial intelligent networks are integrated into many different operating systems that we use today. The majority of them will be computer-based, but they also affect our smartphone and smart device usage. It predicts, builds, and designs marketing campaigns that are specifically tailored to yourself, while also isolating other information that is already deemed to be irrelevant. This form of data sharing that is in a controlled environment, limits your ability to learn, and understand more about the world around you.  


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